Yang Long
Yang Long
Yang Long is currently an Assistant Professor in Computer Science, Durham University, UK. He received the Ph. D. degree in Computer Vision and Machine Learning from the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, The University of Sheffield, UK, in 2017. He received the M.Sc. degree from the same institution, in 2014. His research interests include Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Deep Learning, Zero-shot Learning. He has authored/co-authored ~50 papers in refereed journals/conferences such as IEEE TPAMI, TIP, CVPR, AAAI and ACM MM, and holds 1 Chinese patent. He is also a regular reviewer for leading journals and conferences. He is a member of the British Computer Society, ACM, and IEEE.
From Zero-shot Learning to Conventional Supervised Classification: Unseen Visual Data Synthesis
1332017Zero-shot learning using synthesised unseen visual data with diffusion regularisation
782017Towards Universal Representation for Unseen Action Recognition
692018Triple verification network for generalized zero-shot learning
652018Unsupervised deep hashing with pseudo labels for scalable image retrieval
582017Adversarial unseen visual feature synthesis for zero-shot learning
392019Face recognition with a small occluded training set using spatial and statistical pooling
372018Deep Generative Modelling: A Comparative Review of VAEs, GANs, Normalizing Flows, Energy-Based and Autoregressive Models
3620212d pose-based real-time human action recognition with occlusion-handling
272019Zero-shot hashing with orthogonal projection for image retrieval
272019Describing unseen classes by exemplars: Zero-shot learning using grouped simile ensemble
242017Attribute embedding with visual-semantic ambiguity removal for zero-shot learning
242016Towards reliable, automated general movement assessment for perinatal stroke screening in infants using wearable accelerometers
222019Dual-verification network for zero-shot learning
222019Towards affordable semantic searching: Zero-shot retrieval via dominant attributes
222018Learning to recognise unseen classes by a few similes
202017Deep transductive network for generalized zero shot learning
192020Apparel-based deep learning system design for apparel style recommendation
162019Towards fine-grained open zero-shot learning: Inferring unseen visual features from attributes
162017A probabilistic zero-shot learning method via latent nonnegative prototype synthesis of unseen classes
152019Few-Shot Image and Sentence Matching via Gated Visual-Semantic Embedding
152019A joint label space for generalized zero-shot classification
132020Depth Embedded Recurrent Predictive Parsing Network for Video Scenes
132019Adaptive RGB image recognition by visual-depth embedding
132018Classification complexity assessment for hyper-parameter optimization
112019Zero-shot leaning and hashing with binary visual similes
102019Pseudo distribution on unseen classes for generalized zero shot learning
92020Recognising occluded multi-view actions using local nearest neighbour embedding
92016Order Matters: Shuffling Sequence Generation for Video Prediction
82019Asymmetric graph based zero shot learning
72020Learning discriminative domain-invariant prototypes for generalized zero shot learning
52020A plug-in attribute correction module for generalized zero-shot learning
42021Modality independent adversarial network for generalized zero shot image classification
42021Query twice: Dual mixture attention meta learning for video summarization
42020Optimization control of a fed-batch process using an improved reinforcement learning algorithm
32019Adaptive Visual-Depth Fusion Transfer
32018Automated general movement assessment for perinatal stroke screening in infants
22020A General Transductive Regularizer for Zero-Shot Learning
22019Enhancing apparel data based on fashion theory for developing a novel apparel style recommendation system
22018Discriminative Latent Semantic Graph for Video Captioning
12021Semantic combined network for zero‐shot scene parsing
12020An improved reinforcement learning control strategy for batch processes
12019Attribute relaxation from class level to instance level for zero-shot learning
12018Towards light-weight annotations: Fuzzy interpolative reasoning for zero-shot image classification
12018Visual-Semantic Aligned Bidirectional Network for Zero-Shot Learning
2022Kernelized distance learning for zero-shot recognition
2021Dynamic Graph Warping Transformer for Video Alignment
2021Automated General Movement Assessment for Perinatal Stroke
2019Generic compact representation through visual-semantic ambiguity removal
2018Zero-shot Image Classification